Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blind Blessings

I know I really need to be in bed after a 13 hour day at work and church early in the morning, but I'm in the mood to write. First of all, I wanted to share an awesome site my mom's boss and friend got us hooked on. It's called and I can post things that I like in all kinds of categories. It's a little hard to explain, but check it!

Anyway, I can't believe the summer is coming to an end and I am beginning my last year of college. I hardly feel old enough. Not only that, but I'm a planner. I knew my major when I was in first grade. I knew what school I wanted to go to in sixth. Now I cannot see a single day past May 5, 2012- graduation day. In high school whenever I thought of life after Cedarville, I always assumed I would be engaged or married and then find a job wherever my husband had a job. Well, considering my current status that is obviously not going to happen. And that's okay. It's always a little nerve-racking when you have to rely on God blind, that is, not having any idea what He has for you. God put the desire in my heart to be a teacher and to go to Cedarville and I trust Him fully to provide for me and take care of my when I graduate, I'd just like to see what's going to happen! I know He is faithful and he has already blessed me in so many ways. And while I am anxious about how He'll provide, I'm mostly excited to see how He'll exceed my expectations once again. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

For His Plans are Not Our Plans...

God has a funny way of changing our desires sometimes, you  know? Without going into too many details, I can feel the desires of my heart regarding my future change in a direction I would swear would never happen. I can't say I particularly mind either. I'm just amazed by God sometimes. When I think I have my life all figured out and planned down to the last detail, circumstances change, people move in or out of my life, and I find what I was so passionate about at one point, has completely diminished and the fire goes out.  How can you describe this sudden change with someone who has not experienced the presence of Christ in their lives? My only explanation, as a Christian, is that God has far better things for me than I could come up with on my own and therefore, He has to take my desires and passions and change them so I become passionate about what HE is passionate about. Yearn for the things HE yearns for, and pray to fall into alliance wiht HIS will for my life. I hope and pray that He will continue working on my heart, changing my dreams to fit HIS dreams for me and living a life worthy of a testament of HIS work. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Lord, My Savior, My...BFF?

I must admit that I am loving my summer vacation and until recent the idea of going back to school put a knot in my stomach, but God has been teaching me a lot recently and one of the lesson is that I have a lot to learn. Another lesson that hit me hard is my insecurity. I didn't realize how much I put my personal worth in the opinion and acceptance of other people. It wasn't until I felt that acceptance become shaky that I felt my entire foundation crumble beneath me. Not only did I feel like a junior high girl, I felt that my God wasn't that main focus in my life and once again, I felt his love and sweet grace poor over me like a fresh rain. 
Sure, I still value my friends, after all, good friends are wonderful gifts from God, but I am reminded that "there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." -Prov. 18:24. I am loving my time with Christ and spending more time with him. He has given me such a peace I haven't felt in a long time. Needless to say, His grace rescues me daily and I have learned to be content with Him as my new best friend. How blessed I am to be living on His daily Grace. 

In Colorado it's impossible not to see His fingerprints all over. I loved spending time today outside admiring His creation. This, my friends, is one place I would love to live.