Okay so I admit, I have been doing a budget for about a year now (or at least when I got my teaching job back in Aug.), and I've known most of what Dave Ramsey teaches, but I've never really used his forms and such.
Well, the boyfriend and I have been in FPU (Financial Peace University) so I started drinking the kool-aid. You know, it's kind of a part of the course, so don't judge. And here is what I have determined from following the budget and envelope system for 2 weeks:
1- I don't have enough money
2- If I only spend out of my envelopes, I don't have to worry about my bank account
3- I can't take out of one envelope to make change in others because I just get confused where the money is all supposed to go.
But, I am SO excited to be in this class and to start it with my love. Most people in the class are married and many are in their 40s, 50s, or even 60s trying to learn this stuff. He and I will have the opportunity to start this stuff from the very beginning and could be very well off by the time we are in our 60s. This could prevent so many money fights, financial issues and other potential fights in our upcoming marriage. How blessed I feel! If this all works out well, I could really see starting a ministry teaching this to seriously dating or engaged couples before marriage.
(Just a shameless plug)
Well, it's been a while, but I have been reading so many blogs recently that I have decided, at least for now, to try my hand at it again.
I'm at a place in life where there are a lot of questions and a lot I could be writing about, so for all of those out there with me, here we go :)
Let's start with a little "reintroduction" of me, and where I am in life.
1- I teach first grade in a private, Christian school.
2- Because I teach in a private Christian school, I am on the journey of living on a budget. A tight budget. Which includes school loans. Lots of loans.
3- I have been dating the same, wonderful, godly man for about 16 months now (but who's counting ;)- who is also living on a budget.
4- Summer is coming up and I love crafting. Sewing, card-making, scrap booking, anything crafty. So between revamping for next year, and tutoring. Joanne Fabrics is where I'll be! When I budget for it.
I'll leave it at that for now. More to come later on any of the various topics above. Or something else I decide to throw in